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To secure high quality personnel for nuclear industry, since 1975, KAIF has conducted specialized education programs intended for those who are working in the field of nuclear industry. The programs are designed for raising their specialties based on professional curriculum. During the past 40 years, KAIF has produced approximately 7,900 individuals who successfully completed courses, along with its various curriculum ranging from a program about nuclear quality assurance to the education on decommissioning & dismantling of nuclear facilities. Also, the summer courses for managerial staffs and special programs for working-level staffs are exclusively handled by KAIF. In particular, KAIF recently introduced on-demand programs for individual corporate organizations, which helps to meet various educational needs.

· Education on Nuclear Quality Assurance
· Summer Course on Nuclear Management
· Education on Construction of Nuclear Power Plants
· Education on Decommissioning & Dismantling of Nuclear Facilities
· On-Demand Education Program

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